Fort Worth Opera and Children’s Opera Theater is dedicated to expanding the horizons of young people across the state of Texas, with concentrated efforts across the North Texas area. Since 1966, Fort Worth Opera has opened millions of young minds to the colorful and exciting world of opera.

Book a touring performance!
Touring throughout Fort Worth, Dallas, and surrounding areas
Ideal for preK-6th grades, performed at your school
$3.50 per student, minimum $795 per performance (Mileage and incidentals may apply)
A 35-minute performance, including 4 singers, 1 pianist, and full sets and costumes
Complete attached booking form and a member of the team will contact you to schedule a show
Looking for a more affordable experience? We can tailor an operatic performance to fit any budget or venue. Email and ask about our masterclasses and single-performer mini-concerts.
Educational and Community Engagement Booking Form
Complete the booking for and a member of the Fort Worth Opera Education team will contact you to finalize your booking.

Start planning your field trips now to Fort Worth Opera’s mainstage performances. Call our Box Office (817) 731-0726 for student group rates for any performance!