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Q&A Interview with Soprano Janani Sridhar, PhD

Fort Worth Opera

In the spring of 2020, acclaimed soprano Janani Sridhar will be joining the cast of our Roaring Twenties comedy, Revenge of the Bat (Die Fledermaus), as Adele’s sister Sally. The international opera star recently sat down with us to talk about Fledermaus and her advice for young singers.

Photo of Janani Sridhar by Dan Hall.
Photo of Janani Sridhar by Dan Hall.

Q: Since you were a part of this bubbly production in Des Moines Metro Opera’s 2018 production, what can audiences expect from director David Gately’s reimagined Jazz Age comedy?

JS: You can expect a roaring good time, pun intended, and a lot of good laughs. David's production of Die Fledermaus is a show not to be missed!

Photo of Janani Sridhar by Dan Hall.
Photo of Janani Sridhar by Dan Hall.

Q: Congratulations on receiving your recent doctorate! As both an award-winning musician and an academic, what advise do you have for young artists like yourself, as they rise through the ranks and try to establish themselves in the classical music world?

JS: Thank you for your sweet wishes, and kind words! I think it is important to have courage and to be tenacious in this business. I also think that one must be disciplined in honing their skill, and to continue striving to be a better artist every day.

Q: What operatic heroines are on your career bucket list and why?

JS: Ooh! I have gotten to cover the roles of Rusalka, Mimi, and Violetta, and would love to sing them in performances one day. These heroines show incredible courage, and love with their whole hearts in a daring and remarkable way; I would be thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to perform them in the future.

"Eve-Song" sung by Janani Sridhar, at the Festival of American Art Song, celebrating composer Jake Heggie.

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